Institutions of culture

Novi Sad on the banks of the Danube that leans onto Petrovaradin Fortress is the city of diverse and rich cultural heritage as well as the shared heritage of the Serbs and many other nations. The city itself the centre of the Serbian culture and creativity with Matica Srpska as the oldest Serbian institution of culture and science.

Novi Sad is the city of the future despite the fact that it relies heavily on tangible and intangible cultural heritage formed throughout centuries. A modern, university, cultural, tourist, the scientific, political and administrative centre of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. It is the city of museums, galleries, theatres, festivals, rich alternative stages and the European Capital of Culture 2022.

Novi Sad 2022 European Capital of Culture

‘For New Bridges’ is a slogan under which Novi Sad won the most prestigious title of the European Union in field of culture in 2016, the title of the European Capital of Culture. Soon after, the Goverment of the Republic...
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Matica srpska

MATICA SRPSKA is the oldest and most distinguished cultural and scientific institution among Serbs. It was founded in Budapest in 1826 and moved to Novi Sad in 1864. Founders of Maticasrpska: Jovan Hadzic, PetarRajic, AndrijaRozmirovic, Gavrilo Bozitovac, Jovan Demetrovic, Josif...
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Museum of Vojvodina

Museum of Vojvodina is located at Dunavska Street no. 35-37. Through archaeological, ethnological, and historical collections, it keeps and presents the traces of material and spiritual culture from the territory of Vojvodina starting from Palaeolithic Age to the 20th century. The...
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City Museum of Novi Sad

THE MUSEUM OF NOVI SAD is located in several places. The main building is at Petrovaradin fortress and it offers two constant exhibitions ’’The fortress in the past’’ and ‘’Novi Sad from 18th to 20th century’’. Also, there are city...
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Collection of Foreign Art

Artworks of Fine and Applied Arts, created in Europe and Asia between the 15th and 20th centuries. On the first floor of the Collection of Foreign Art there is a permanent exhibition where numerous exhibits are on display from the...
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Museum of contemporary art of Vojvodina

The exhibition consists of works of art and historical presentation of the events in art of Vojvodina during the second half of the 20th century. The fund of the Museum holds 2,500 works of art, i.e. paintings, sculptures, graphics, and...
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Nature Collection of the Institute for Nature Protection

Natural History Collection of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province is located in Radnička Street. The visitors can see highly valuable exhibits that represent a part of a rich natural heritage of Vojvodina through the following study and...
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Space Museum

The Space Museum is the first technical museum in Novi Sad and it started operating on December 1, 2023 on the Petrovaradin Fortress, and its establishment is closely related to the Kosmodrom event held in September of the same year....
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Gallery of Matica Srpska

The Gallery of Matica Srpska is at the Gallery Square. Its history is connected with the history of Matica Srpska, the most significant cultural institution among the Serbs, and Sava Tekelija, a great benefactor who endowed to Matica Srpska all...
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Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection

The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection is at the Gallery Square. The signing of the Gift Agreement in 1957 between a great collector Pavle Beljanski (1892-1965) and the Executive Council of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has created the conditions for...
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Fine Art Gallery – Endowment Collection of Rajko Mamuzić

Fine Art Gallery – Endowment Collection of Rajko Mamuzić is in Vase Stajića Street. The core of the collection consists of the collection of works of art that were donated by the collector Rajko Mamuzić based on a special agreement....
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Atelier 61

Atelier 61 was founded in 1961 as the workshop for manufacture of artistic tapestries of large formats and it is one of unique and rare similar institutions in the world. It was founded by Boško Petrović (1922-1982). The role and...
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Novi Sad Theatre/ Újvidéki Színház

Novi Sad Theatre/ Újvidéki Színház started its existence in 1974. The “Catsplay” by Istvan Orkeny was first play that was staged and that was considered the beginning of its work. Since then all until 1985 the theatre did not have...
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Serbian National Theatre

Serbian National Theatre was established in Novi Sad in 1861 as the first professional theatre among the Serbs. The beginnings of its work are connected with the activities of the Serbian Reading Room in Novi Sad, which was established by...
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Youth Theatre

Youth Theatre is located at Ignjata Pavlasa Street. It was established in 1931 as the first puppet theatre in Vojvodina and Serbia. In 1936 it moved to a newly built Centre of the King Aleksandar I Unifier. After the World...
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Cultural Centre of Novi Sad

CULTURAL CENTRE OF NOVI SAD exists more than a half of century with intention tocherish the culture. In the 1950s Cultural centre of the youth was founded as an antecedent of today Cultural centre of Novi Sad and it was...
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Culture station Svilara

Former factory for silk dyeing keeps meemory to past times when Vojvodina had over two millions of mulberry trees and when Novi Sad had bigest silk factory in Hungary. That factory doesn’t exist any more, but it introduced tradition of...
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Culture station Eđšeg

Building of cultural station was constructed in 1890. by Civic shooting society of Novi Sad at the centennial anniversary of society. Project was done by Georg Molnar, creator of Novi Sad town hall. It was build in eclectic style, typical...
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