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Mileva: We are one rock

The exhibition consists of a very strong visual narrative that will approach the character and work of Mileva Marić Einstein in a striking and different way. It is certainly not […]

Art Exhibition “Art Expo”

Not only that the Art Exhibition “Art Expo” gathers artists and galleries, collectioners, philatelists, antique dealers, manufacturers and traders with accessories, and enables contacts of creative workers with wider audience but it also promotes fine and applied arts, sculpture, various artistic directions and orientations, galleries and gallery owners, associations of artists, artistic colonies, collectioners and […]

Book Fair

The Book Fair as a meeting point of writers and readers, gathers the people dealing with literature, publishing, media, scientific and professional references. An added cultural value to the entire Fair is the accompanying event “Laza Kostić’s Days” that hosts the laureates of literature awards, interpreters, literary critics as well as the literary reward “Laza […]

International fair of education “Guidelines”

The International Fair of Education that is held at the Novi Sad Fair is a place where the individuals, institutions and organisations present the latest trends in education in Serbia. The state and private universities, state and private faculties, institutions of higher education, secondary education and elementary education, academies, adult education centres, language schools, computer […]

Dance fest Novi Sad

Dance Fest Novi Sad is a dancing event that gathers dancing lovers, dancers, trainers, choreographers and renowned world experts in this field. The aim of the Festival is to create the conditions for promotion of young talents, young authors, exchange of ideas and support to artists in dancing art. In addition to dancing, all the […]