Dance fest Novi Sad
March 21 - March 23

Dance Fest Novi Sad is a dancing event that gathers dancing lovers, dancers, trainers, choreographers and renowned world experts in this field. The aim of the Festival is to create the conditions for promotion of young talents, young authors, exchange of ideas and support to artists in dancing art. In addition to dancing, all the participants have the opportunity to promote their national heritage, tradition and culture. The Festival is of both the competition and review character. The organisers also wish to enable and support the development of tolerance and coexistence, as well as cherishing of multicultural heritage in the city such as Novi Sad. The Festival is designated to children and young people, but also to parents, teachers, and all the citizens taking care of orderly and healthy growth of their children recommending and directing them to quality cultural contents. In addition to competitions in different dancing categories the participants are also provided with all the conditions for a pleasant stay in Novi Sad. The Festival programme also anticipates the activities that are not directly connected with stage performing such as educational seminars, presentations of clubs and getting familiar with the host city.
Venue: SPENS
The programme can be found on the organiser’s website: www.dancefestnovisad.org