From month to month, meaning at an annual level as well we registered a significant growth of overnight stays and tourist visits.
According to the latest data of the Republic Statistical Office of Serbia, 174,489 of tourists in total visited the territory of the City of Novi Sad in 2016, which represents 15.3% of growth compared to the same period (January-December) last year. Out of that number there were 67,808 domestic tourists (10.3% of growth) and 106,681 foreign tourists (18.7% of growth). During the same period, there were 360,578 of overnight stays in total, which makes 21.4% of growth. Out of that number, domestic tourists recorded 118,956 overnight stays (5.1% of growth) while foreign tourists recorded 241,622 overnight stays (31.4% of growth).
An average length of stay of tourists in 2016 made 2.07 days. Domestic tourists stayed for 1.75 days on the average, while foreign tourists stayed for 2.26 days. Compared to 2015, foreign tourists extended their stay, which affected an annual length of stay that has also been increased.
Based on the data obtained from 21 hotels and 6 other accommodation facilities, the largest number of tourist who came to Novi Sad and stayed over night in 2016 were from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, and Poland.
In 2016, the Info centres of the Tourist Organisation of the City of Novi Sad were visited by 5,691 tourists in total from 75 countries – 5,227 were foreign tourists and 464 were tourists from Serbia. Among the foreigners the most numerous were the tourists from Turkey, Germany, Russia, France, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, Israel, Poland, and Croatia. Three leading countries outside Europe include the USA, Canada, and Australia. The largest number of visits was registered in August (1,047), July (795) and September (683).
The increase in number of overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists in Novi Sad affected the increase in collection of the residence tax, the amount of which was by 7 million higher in 2016 compared to 2015. Novi Sad proved to be the City Break destination visited by tourists all year round. Due to large-scale events during summer, such as the OPENS Youth Fair and EXIT Music Festival, the month of July is certainly taking the leading position when it comes to collection of the residence tax, and it is followed by November and October, which shows that Novi Sad is rich with a large number of events, congresses, and competitions that attract more and more tourists.
During the New Year’s and Christmas holidays Novi Sad was among the most desirable destinations in the region because it offered diverse contents throughout the city, from Winter Fest at the Liberty Square to Icy Forest and skating rink in Dunavski (Danube) Park. The celebrations were organised fro two New Year’s Eves at four locations – in Dunavski (Danube) Park, at the Republic Square, in Studio M, and at the Liberty Square. New Year’s Eve celebration has proven to be an important tourist product that gathers every year the visitors from the country and the region and we would like it to become a tradition of Novi Sad. New Year’s magic was accompanied by the campaign of the Tourist Organisation of Novi Sad at social networks, on radio, television and in electronic media. The result of successfulness of the campaign has manifested itself through full accommodation and catering facilities, higher residence tax collection, and most important is the fact that everyone left Novi Sad with a big smile and satisfaction wishing to come to it again.
More Than 360,000 Overnight Stays Registered In Novi Sad In 2016