"Salas" farmsteads

Salaš is a countryside estate that consists of a residential house and economic facilities, scattered on the Vojvodina plain and the slopes of Fruška Gora. In the ambience characteristic of Vojvodina rural households in the shade of orchards, with traditional food and good wines and fruit rakijas, you can stop the time for a moment and relish the music of tamburica. Some salaši provide accommodation in rooms furnished in the old "Altdeutsch" style, as well as horse riding.

Salaš 137

Međunarodni put 137 on Čenej is a destination where, among other things, you can try živa pljeskavica (a raw meat burger), a veal shank, a leg of lamb in horseradish sauce or pljeskavica u maramici (a caul fat burger) with...
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Brkin salas

When you take the old road from Novi Sad to Subotica, the endless greenery passing around Čenej awakens a sense of serenity. If you can classify yourself among those who like to travel through the past for a day, then...
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Pajin salaš

On Međunarodni put 325 on Čenej, hidden in a coniferous oasis, there is Pajin salaš 325. In the pleasant atmosphere of the ambience that goes back to the past, you can enjoy some of the specialties of the house, such...
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Vojvodina salaš NS

On Stari kaćki put, away from the crowds and noise in the far-reaching plain, the Vojvodina salaš NS found its place. A multitude of details – old dishes, tools, haystacks, creatively blended into the ambience, show Vojvodina in miniature, and...
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Sašin salaš

Only a twenty-minute drive from the center of Novi Sad, at the exit from Rumenka to Kisač, there is Sašin salaš, where time seems to stand still, so their main slogan is “He who hurries, let him go about his...
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Stojšić salaš

Situated directly along the highway connecting Novi Sad and Belgrade, just a few minutes from the exit to Beška, stands the former inn built in 1920, now serving as an oasis for escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life....
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Bucin salaš

Bucin salaš is located in Temerin, near Novi Sad in the authentic atmosphere of Vojvodina. According to the number of seats (about 450 inside the salaš and 200 in the yard), it is one of the largest salaš in Serbia...
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