Homepage Blog Natural History Collection of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection

Natural History Collection of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection

October 30, 2021

The exhibits of the Natural History Collection exhibited in several study collections testify to the richness of natural heritage of Vojvodina. There are the exhibits that belong to geological-paleontological, mineralogical and petrological collection, as well as botanical, entomological, ichthyologic, herpetological, and ornithological and theriological collection. The exhibit that attracts the most of visitors’ attention is the skull with the tusks of the fleece mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius). It is one of the last species of mammoths known as the “woollen” mammoth, which disappeared 7,000 years ago, presumably due to global warming.

We recommend the visitors interested in or involved in bird watching programmes to take a look at the ornithological collection, which is one of the most valuable here. The most valuable exhibits of the ornithological collection include great and small bustard (Otis tarda/Otis tetrax), pelican (Pelecanus crispus), small-beaked emperor snipe (Numenius tenuirostris), blue-billed duck (Oxyura leucocephala) and black vulture (Aepis).

The Provincial Institute for Nature Protection also has an arboretum in the garden art style, which consists of autochthonous trees from Fruška Gora, where sessile oak, linden, beech and hornbeam can be seen.

Visits are possible on weekdays. You can get more information on the web address of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection, which you will find in the supplement to this Guide.