Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

4 events,

Mileva: We are one rock

“Spirit of the Place – The First Century of the District” Exhibition

Love Festival

Love Festival

Nobility in Serbian Visual Culture of the 18th Century

6 events,

Petrovaradin Carnival

Aspic-making contest in Rumenka (Pihtijada)

4 events,

6 events,

Novi Sad Night Market (March)

Green Love Festival (March)

3 events,

3 events,

5 events,

International Book Fair

International Art Exhibition “Art Expo”.

7 events,

Dance fest Novi Sad

NS Open

NS Open

8 events,

Novi Sad Half Marathon

5 events,

3 events,

4 events,

Easter Promenade

6 events,

Novi Sad Night Market (April)

Flower Market (April 1)

6 events,

Fortress Challenge