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June 1, 2022 - June 7, 2022

The Ars e femmina project is a mixture of several different types of artistic expression – musical, visual, theatrical, literary and multimedia. It presents Novi Sad as a symbol of multiethnicity, tolerance, understanding, education and culture, subtly reminding us of how noble and significant the role of a woman artist is, while at the same time bringing the Novi Sad citizens back to their precious heritage by its innovative and creative approach to portraying historical figures and our contemporaries.
The project consists of three parts:
1. “Nine Women from Vojvodina” (Serbian, Hungarian, Russian, Roma, Croatian, Jewish, Romanian, German and Slovak) sublimate the diversity of our area. The artists, members of the majority of the Vojvodina and Novi Sad population, connect through all fields of art and collaborate on the events in the gallery and concert space. Harmony, tolerance, multiculturalism, multiethnicity, mutual respect, appreciation and the culture of peace are connecting virtues that send strong messages to new generations and open the possibility for similar events and cooperation.
Venue and date: Cultural Station Egység, 19 and 20 May
2. “Letters to a Far Beloved” is a multimedia project connecting us with Europe on a cultural and historical basis, dealing with the unfulfilled love between famous Ludwig van Beethoven and Janet D’Honrat. While Beethoven was in Vienna at the time, Janet D’Honratt lived in the castle of Schloss in Golubinci. They get united by love, letters and music.
Venue and date: Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, 22 May 2022
3. “Journalists ask Heroines” is a whole with the actresses reviving Novi Sad heroines Marija Trandafil, Milica Stojadinović Srpkinja, Milica Tomić and Mileva Marić Einstein the 21st century, by using a dramatic text at a press conference with the journalists asking them questions in front of the audience and receiving the answers depending on the dramatic role.
Place and date: Serbian National Theatre, 7 June 2022
The programme can be found on the organiser’s website:
https://arsefemmina.com, https://kalendar.novisad2022.rs/kalendar-epk
Photo: Vladimir Cvetković