All Day

Mileva: We are one rock

The exhibition consists of a very strong visual narrative that will approach the character and work of Mileva Marić Einstein in a striking and different way. It is certainly not […]

Love Festival

“Novi Sad – the capital of love” is the main topic of the Love Festival that is being organised to celebrate the following holidays: St. Valentine's Day, St. Tryphon and […]

Aspic-making contest in Rumenka (Pihtijada)

The aspic-making contest in Rumenka is a multicultural event in the field of gastronomy and material cultural heritage. It includes the celebration of an international gastronomic event – the Pihtijada, […]

Petrovaradin Carnival

Petrovaradin has a historical tradition of celebrating carnival gatherings and processions, leading to the idea of reviving the Petrovaradin Carnival. The central event of the carnival is the "Great Carnival […]