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Pomorišac – Vasa Pomorišac

The artistic journey of Vasa Pomorišac unfolded from his native Modoš, through Zagreb, Munich, and Belgrade, all the way to London and Paris. His recognition in the world of art is attested by numerous commissions and works executed in various media, diverse themes, and for different purposes – from portraits, religious, and mythological compositions in […]

Icy Forest

Icy Forest is one of the favorite winter events in Serbia, traditionally held during December and January in Dunavski Park (Danube Park), Novi Sad. The integral offer of Icy Forest includes a large and beautifully arranged ice rink, consisting of a central, covered part and its accompanying circular track set around the lake in Dunavski […]

Novi Sad Children’s Winter Games

Novi Sad Children’s Winter Games – “Zimzarije” gather more than 20 institutions and organisations in order to offer the Novi Sad children aged from 4 to 14 a variety of creative-educational and sports-recreational programmes. Theatre performances, laboratory experiments and New Year’s, journalism, painting, chess, puppetry, music, mathematics, scientific, and language workshops make an excellent entertainment […]

Mileva: We are one rock

The exhibition consists of a very strong visual narrative that will approach the character and work of Mileva Marić Einstein in a striking and different way. It is certainly not […]