Homepage Blog Promotion of the cultural and youth capital in front of a youth audience on the British site www.gapyear.travel

Promotion of the cultural and youth capital in front of a youth audience on the British site www.gapyear.travel

November 4, 2019

The site, which is most visited by the UK student population, has begun a one-year promotion of Novi Sad tourist attractions that attract young people.


In addition to mentioning that this year we are the Youth Capital of Europe and that in 2021 we will be the Cultural Capital of Europe, with a focus on numerous festivals, we also pointed out to young people from the UK the historical and cultural values ​​that embellish Novi Sad.

Considering that Novi Sad is a favorite destination for many young tourists from all over the world, on this site we have highlighted the cultural and historical entities that young people are happy to visit during their stay in the city.