General information

Official name: City of Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
In the official use are Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak and Ruthenian

Day of the City of Novi Sad is 1 February – the day in 1748. when Novi Sad was proclaimed a free royal city.

The geographical position
45 ° 20’0 “north (N)
19 ° 51’0” E
(E) between the 1252-th and 1262-th kilometer Danube


Climate is temperate continental and continental.

Average temperature is 10,9ºC a year. Average precipitation is 578 mm/m² a year.


According to the official census held in 2011, the city´s population is 335.701 inhabitants.

Electrical current

220 V, 50 Hz

Time zone

GMT +1

Area code

To Serbia +381

To Novi Sad (0) 21

International code 00


Dinar RSD, 1 dinar= 100 para


GSP public

One ticket price is 55 RSD


Start 70 RSD

City drive 52 RSD/km

Out of city drive 66 RSD/km

Pet transport 200 RSD

Waiting 435 RSD/hour

Health facilities

Duty services are working nonstop.

Pharmacies are open from 8.00 to 20.00, but there are some night duty pharmacies.

Post offices and banks

ATMs are at numerous important places throughout the city.

Foreign currencies can be exchanged in banks and exchange offices.

Important phone numers

Police 192

Fire brigade 193

Ambulance 194

Roadside assistance (AMSS)  1987

Hospital 021 484-3-484

Clinic of cardiology Sremska Kamenica 021/ 4805-100

Bus station 021/ 444-021, 444-022

Railway station 021/443-200

Public city transportation- information 021/527-399

Public phones

Halo cards can be bought at post offices and newsstands.

Public toilets are at these locations:

By the City Hall ( Kralja Aleksandra Street), at Dunavski park and at SPENS