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Heroines of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection

The “Heroines of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection” multimedia exhibition will feature seven women artists from the Pavle Beljanski collection: Nadežda Petrović, Zora Petrović, Ljubica Sokić, Milica Zorić, Vidosava Kovačević, Liza Križanić and Leposava St. Pavlović. The project will also include the presentation of the women photographers and artists who used photography in their works […]

Exhibition “The Future of Remembrance – From Raid to Auschwitz”

A culture of remembrance can be abused to inflame nationalism and perpetuate fear and hatred. A true, sincere and courageous culture of remembrance deals with the past in a way that reverently preserves the memory of victims, but at the same time promotes civil and human rights, pluralism and critical thinking, i.e., those democratic and […]

Media Labyrinth

The central campaign of the Media Labyrinth project, organized by the Novi Sad School of Journalism, includes the creation and installation of a hexagonal labyrinth on the plateau of the Creative District which will serve as an interactive training ground for education on media (dis)information and manipulation. The outer wall of the labyrinth will be […]

In Search of Europe

“In Search of Europe” is a story about the creation of post-war Europe, that is, about the Europe we have yet to create. The most important part of the concept is the multimedia exhibition developed in a modular way, where the modules (stations) are placed at nine points along the Belgrade Quay, the Quay of […]

The Open Process

The multimedia exhibition “The Open Process” by the ASA-FF organisation from Chemnitz (Germany) depicts the post-war reality of Eastern Germany, particularly in the province of Saxony: the history of migrations, continuity of right-wing and racist violence, national-socialist underground and the resistance to repressive methods and policies. The exhibition also includes the works by one of […]

From Noise to Sound

The Novi Sad sculptor Nikola Macura exhibits his unusual and provocative instruments, made from military waste materials. The basic idea is contained in the very title: the characteristic noise of acts of war is translated into creation, a musical sound. The exhibition is the fruit of many years of research by sculptor Nikola Macura into […]

The ReCapitulation exhibition

The ReCapitulation exhibition will be set up in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina and the gallery space of the Šok zadruga (Shock Cooperative), as the central activity of the project through which three decades of Led Art’s work will be viewed. The exhibition has three main segments that bring a review of three […]


“The Stringers” exhibition is speaking on the formation of the contemporary hired scribes of history and witnesses of the signatures of its authors – the freelancers. From Second World War until our day, the hired media workers are at the centre of every conflict and social turmoil. Their look on war, genocides, and revolutions is […]